Post-Graduation Support

We understand the importance of preparing for life after graduation. Our dedicated career services team is here to guide you on your professional journey. From resume workshops and internship opportunities to career counselling and job fairs, we provide resources to help you navigate your career path with confidence. Embrace the enriching student life at IBTE. We are excited to welcome you and watch you grow into a well-rounded professional, prepared to excel in your field and make a difference in the world.

Career Guidance Post Graduation

At IBTE, we are committed to our students' success beyond their academic journey. We provide a comprehensive career support program designed to help students find rewarding employment and internship opportunities, both locally and internationally. Our goal is to ensure that our students transition seamlessly into the professional world.

Finding Jobs in Dubai

  1. Career Counselling and Coaching: Our career services team provides personalized career coaching and counseling to help you explore different career paths, understand the job market in Dubai, and develop a strategic job search plan.
  2. Resume and Interview Preparation: We provide resources and workshops to help you create a compelling CV and cover letter, and we also offer interview preparation sessions, including mock interviews.
  3. Job Fairs and Networking Events: Throughout the year, we host job fairs, networking events, and company presentations to facilitate your interaction with potential employers in Dubai.
  4. Internship Opportunities: We have connections with numerous local companies and can assist you in finding internship opportunities to gain practical experience in your field.

Finding Jobs Worldwide

  1. International Job Search Strategies: Our career services team can provide guidance on international job search strategies, including understanding international job markets and cultural nuances in job applications and interviews.
  2. Global Networking Opportunities: We provide opportunities to connect with our global alumni network, which can be a valuable resource for international job search.
  3. Global Job Portals: We provide access to global job portals and databases, where you can search for job opportunities worldwide.

Support for Students Transferring to the UK or Other International Cities

  1. University Partnerships and Transfer Services: We have partnerships with several universities in the UK and other countries, facilitating smooth transitions for our students who wish to further their studies abroad.
  2. Career Guidance for Studying Abroad: Our career services team can provide guidance on the job market and employment opportunities in your destination country.
  3. Networking and Internship Opportunities: We can connect you with our alumni network in your destination country, providing opportunities for networking and internships.

At IBTE, our commitment to your career success is unwavering. We are here to provide the support and resources you need to navigate your career path with confidence.

Insights into post-graduation employment in the UK

Securing employment in the UK after graduation is an exciting prospect. The diverse economy, rich cultural tapestry, and unique career opportunities make the UK a great place to launch your professional journey. However, understanding the ins and outs of visa requirements, the job market, and job application norms is crucial. Here's a more detailed guide to help you:

1. Understanding the Visa Requirements:

Post-study visa regulations have evolved in recent years to become more international student-friendly. The UK government launched a new Graduate Route visa (Post-Study Work visa) in July 2021. This is a great opportunity for international students to work, or look for work, following the end of their academic course.

The Graduate Route visa permits you to stay in the UK for two years after completing an undergraduate or master's degree. If you've completed a PhD, you can stay for three years. The attractive part of this visa is that there are no restrictions on the type of work you can do; you can work full-time, part-time, or as an intern, or even be self-employed, as long as the business is not essentially property-related.

To be eligible for the Graduate Route, you must have a valid Tier 4 or Student Visa at the time of application and have successfully completed a course of study at undergraduate level or above at a Higher Education Provider with a track record of compliance.

Applications for the Graduate Route must be made from within the UK. The visa is not extendable, but holders may be able to switch into other immigration routes subject to meeting the eligibility criteria of those routes.

2. Familiarizing Yourself with the UK Job Market:

The UK offers diverse opportunities across a wide range of sectors. Key industries include technology, engineering, healthcare, finance, and consulting, among others. Familiarizing yourself with your chosen industry, understanding its specific qualifications, and building your skills accordingly are vital steps.

3. Building a Strong CV and Cover Letter:

UK employers value well-structured, concise CVs and cover letters that clearly outline your skills, qualifications, and experiences. Ensure that your CV is tailored to the job you're applying for and that your cover letter is engaging, specific, and demonstrates your suitability for the role.

4. Developing Your Interview Skills:

The UK job market favours a competency-based interview approach. Familiarize yourself with this style, prepare for common interview questions, and learn how to showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

5. Networking:

Establishing professional connections is often key to finding job opportunities. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and leverage online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals and alumni in your field.

6. Understanding Your Rights:

As an international worker, understanding your rights is crucial. This includes knowledge about the minimum wage, maximum working hours, and equality laws.

7. Leverage IBTE Careers Service:

Our dedicated career services team can provide invaluable guidance on navigating the UK job market. This includes personalized advice on job applications, interview preparation, and sector-specific insights. We can also connect you with our expansive alumni network in the UK, providing insider knowledge and potential opportunities.

Pursuing your career in the UK after graduation can be an enriching and rewarding journey. With a clear understanding of the requirements, diligent preparation, and the right support, you'll be well-positioned to make your mark in the UK job market.

Navigating the process of obtaining a working visa in the UK

Working in the UK after graduation can be an incredibly rewarding experience, providing international exposure, diverse opportunities and unique cultural immersion. To ease your journey, we have outlined key eligibility criteria and detailed steps to help you secure post-study work opportunities in the UK.

1. Understanding the Visa Requirements:

The key eligibility criteria for working in the UK post-graduation is securing the correct visa. As an international student, you are eligible to apply for the Graduate Route visa, also known as the Post-Study Work visa, upon successful completion of your course.

Graduate Route Visa Eligibility:

  • You must hold a valid Tier 4 or Student Visa at the time of application.
  • You must have successfully completed a course of study at undergraduate level or above at a recognized UK Higher Education Institution.
  • Applications must be made from within the UK.
  • You must apply within your Student Visa's validity period, generally before your course completion date.

The Graduate Route visa allows you to work, or look for work, in the UK for two years after completing an undergraduate or master's degree. PhD graduates can stay for three years. There are no restrictions on the type of work, allowing you to work full-time, part-time, undertake internships, or be self-employed, with certain exceptions.

2. Securing the Graduate Route Visa: Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Verify Your Eligibility

Ensure you meet all the criteria mentioned above. For doubts or concerns, consult our career services team, legal professionals, or the UK government's official website.

Step 2: Prepare Your Documents

You'll need to provide several documents to prove your identity, your course completion, and your financial standing. Typical documents include:

  • A valid passport or other identity document.
  • Your degree certificate or other proof of successful course completion.
  • Bank statements or other proof of financial stability.

Step 3: Apply Online

Applications for the Graduate Route visa are made online through the UK government's official website. Follow the instructions carefully, fill out all required information, and upload your documents.

Step 4: Pay the Visa Fee and Health Surcharge

You'll need to pay a visa fee and an immigration health surcharge as part of your application. The health surcharge allows you to use the UK's National Health Service (NHS) while you're in the country.

Step 5: Biometric Verification

After submitting your online application, you'll be asked to verify your biometric information (fingerprints and photograph). This is typically done at a visa application centre.

Step 6: Receive Your Decision

The decision on your visa application will typically be made within eight weeks. If successful, you'll receive a visa that lets you stay, work, or look for work in the UK for two or three years, depending on your level of study.

While the process might seem complex, breaking it down into steps and getting support from the right resources can simplify your journey. Remember, our career services team is here to guide you through every stage of this exciting career milestone.

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